mckendree key


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north overlook

8,000 plastic balls, cinder blocks
sponsored by Bravinlee Programs and the Riverside Park Fund as part of Studio in the Park.

Hudson River at 96th Street.

the balls were attached to metal frames that were designed to float in the Hudson River for 3 months.


the structures were held down with cinder blocks






click to enlarge

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the structures lasted for 2 months. bad weather came and some of the pieces ended up all the way on 125th street.

like an ant whose home is repeatedly destroyed, i rebuilt the piece over and over again.


i even made a nighttime rescue mission with Marie Lorenz and Mike Cataldi

click here to see more images on Marie's site

thanks to Karin Bravin, Gareth Mahon, Lindsay Key, Catherine Brown, - Greg, Chris, Pedro, Mark and Chris at the 79th Street Boat Basin - KC Sahl, Sophia, Slaveya Starkov, Marie Lorenz & Mike Cataldi, The Riverside Park Fund and Riverside Parks Department.

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